Our Courses
OAMI Sportfishing Dive & Marine Medicine
Scalloping, Spearfishing, Salt & Freshwater Fishing Adventure
OAMI Dirt Bikes & Wilderness Medicine
“TrailWatcher,” A Dirt Bike & Basic Wilderness First Aid Course
OAMI Dirt Bikes & Wilderness Medicine
“TrailSentinel,” A Dirt Bike & Wilderness First Responder Expedition
OAMI Dirt Bikes & Wilderness Medicine
“TrailGuard,” A Dirt Bike & Wilderness First Aid Adventure
Health and Safety Institute (HSI/ASHI)
Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
American Red Cross
Skill Boost-Head, Neck, Muscle, Bone, and Joint Injuries and Splinting
Renew your existing certifications and learn new best practices. Recertification courses are considered on an individual basis, and are contingent on your comprehension of knowledge of essential concepts and skills. In some cases you may need to retake the initial course in order to receive your recertification.